How you Doing?
How You Doing? By Kristyna Cochran Doom, Doom, Doom I say, doomed since the thought of me arise, afflicted by redundant catastrophes, I pull from my innermost strength, stumble through adversity cursed before the parents of my parents became a speck of a thought in their parents cerebrum, Through the institutionalized and systematic injustices that anchor the country we call "home", Despite consistent reverence in what is good and true, exemplified in speech, thought and actions, Misfortunes are now merely expected, Do I overdramatize the expected with unhealthy, futile emotions? Or do you just invalidate my thoughts and feelings with irrelevant cliché's, A wreck of scrambled thoughts, Yet I smile... Because no one truly wants to know, "How you doing," Just a friendly, cordial greeting, with lack of true meaning.