Self -Love: Kristyna Cochran

What is Self-Love? Why is it important? How do you cultivate it? According to Merriam Webster, Self-Love is appreciation of one's own worth or value. 

Without love for oneself, how can another love thyself? 

Developing Self-Love begins with understanding and knowing who you are. Knowing who you are begins with a relationship with God, the Most High. Without a firm relationship with the Most High, you are faced with a lack of self. God says so much great things about you. 

God says, you are strong, Philipians. 4:13. You are amazing, Psalm. 139:14. You are capable, Mark. 20:27. You are chosen 1. Thesselonians 1:4. You are never alone, Matthew 28:25. You are always loved, Romans 8:39. You are beautiful, Ecclesiastes 3:11. You are victorious, Romans 8:37. You are enough, 2 Corinthians. 12:9. 

Once you have a relationship with God, and come to know who you are, loving your self becomes a little more easy. Here are four steps that I have learned that help develop self-love. 
1. Stop Comparing yourself to others - Often times we get wrapped up in where we are in life and we find ourselves comparing ourselves to others. You might feel as if you started at the same place as someone else, but you are on different planes. You wonder what did you do wrong, however, you've done nothing wrong. You are right where you need to be. It's so cliche. It's hard not to compare yourself to others, however, comparing yourselves to others can lead you down a dangerous path. It leaves you more focused on others rather than yourself. 
2. Don't worry about others opinions - We've all heard the old saying, opinions are like assholes, everyone has them. Trusting in the Most High and yourself will allow you to be so secure with your opinions that when someone else has an opinion you are able to brush it off as a different perspective than yours or demonstrate the ability to view and understand others perspective without taking offense. Don't worry about others opinions. Stay true to yourself and trust in God. Knowing what God says about you is more significant than knowing what others say about you. 
3. Trust yourself - Trust that you can make decisions for yourself. Trust that you are capable of love through self love. Stay true to yourself. Know who you are so that you may not let anyone divert you from your truth. 
4. Put yourself first - Put yourself first. Know that you matter. In order for you to take care of someone else's needs, your needs must be met. You can't be afraid to say "no". This has been one of the hardest lessons I've had to learn. You cannot sacrifice your needs in order to help someone or be there for someone else. Eventually you will get burnt out and the, "what about me feeling,” will creep up on you. Set boundaries and be firm.

How can you show yourself self-love? Think about the things that you love to do, do it and don't stop doing it. Love yourself physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Be true to yourself. Self -Love. 


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