Giving up is not an option

Being successful is more than having money and fame. Being successful is more of a state of mind. A state of mind knowing that you are at the top of your game. Many people have gotten the concept of being successful wrong. From Hip Hop recording artist Drake, "I want the money, cars, and clothes, I just want to be successful." Is that what being successful is? All those things are worldly possessions. When you die and your soul is put into the position of going to the Heaven or Hell, you will not be able to take none of these things with you. While they are nice to have while on earth, these things will die along with you. Being successful to me is to be content with life, and things therein. A few years back I had written out goals for my life.

  1. Start my own publishing company to publish my books magazines and other literature and to give other new authors a new outlet for their work
  2.  Start a restaurant franchise
Those are just two of the things that I would love to accomplish in life. Although, becoming an entrepreneur would give me all the worldly possessions that I desire, it would not be for the sole purpose of those things. I feel like I can make a difference in this world, through my literature, my businesses, and aura how I present myself to others. 

As days go by I worry that I will never reach my full potential. I worry that I will forever be in the position that I am. Stuck! While I figured that I have done things the right way, you know graduate from high school, go to college, internship, but so many roadblocks in my life has pushed me to think where did I go wrong? What wrong turn did I make? Why have I fallen in to the I wish I had and I can't wait until I do this instead of look at what I accomplished? Giving up is not an option. Giving up will mean that I have given up on God, and those that believe in me. That would mean that I would have wasted the talent that God has given me. That would mean I would have wasted all the time that I have put in to be where I am. As I go day by day I am beginning to become overwhelmed and wandering where to turn. SO, GOD here I am.  


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