Blame Game!

Let's all point fingers! We have all been blame for something that we did not do. Why is it so hard for someone to accept responsibility for their actions? I guess it's easier to victimize someone else rather than saying, "hey it was me I did it."

When a child  breaks a vase, or the glass dinette table. Mom comes home wondering who did it. Who is the culprit? It is easy to blame it one of his siblings. Every action has a reaction. When a child gets in trouble with the law, or becomes pregnant, society always looks at the parents or the environment that child grew up in. Although the environment and the parents play a big factor in a child life, they are not always the single reason why children decide to do things. Many children were raised in good homes. The mother and father both being present in the home does not necessarily mean that they were raise in a good home. There have been many cases when the mother and father was present that a child still presented problems. Bringing a child into the world is one of the most miraculous events that could happen in a person life. However, once a child is born there are many responsibilities that come along with a child.

It is never just a parents responsibility to raise a child. It takes a village to raise a child. Parents go to work to provide for their home. Once children are of school age they go to school. Once children enter school, teachers become a second parent. They are with children between 6 and 8 hours a day. They teach, mentor, and mold students. It is up to them to continue to reinforce what they morals and values that they have or have not learned at home at school. When children are playing around the neighborhood, neighbors should look out for the child. To say it is not my responsibility or that is not my child, is selfish, and could back fire on them one day.

We as a society has turned into a me me me society. Everything should not be about you. If a child fails, you fail. Children are the future. They have been for generations. They grow up, and become the doctors, lawyers, teachers, postman, drug dealers, nurses. They look up to someone. We cannot sit around and continue to allow what someone did not do for you, or what you did not have be the reason for you to assist someone else.

A mother takes her child to church, teaches her child right from wrong, sends him to school every day, buys him nice things, puts him in to after school activities, and the child robs a bank. Who fault is it? It is the child fault. The child was put into a position whereas he could make a choice. He chose the wrong choice, and it is he that should be punished for that choice. Not his family, his family may suffer from his action. However they should not be ridiculed because of something that a child decided to on his on recognizance when he was giving all the opportunities to make the right choices and become a well rounded individual in society.


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