
Showing posts from January, 2012

You Can't hold me back!

         It seems as if every day more an more regulations are being brought forth to cause restraints on our every day living. The United States of America Constitution was written in 1787 and has been in operation since 1789. The Constitution states our basic rights as citizens of this great country, The United States of America. The Constitution has been ratified many times, like adding amendments. The Bill of Rights, which are the first amendments clearly states our rights, to freedom of speech, religion, assembly, and to bear arms to name a few. Many citizens of The United States of went to war, and died for this beautiful country. People come from all across the world to be free, because here and American we are The Home of the Free and the Land of the Brave. However, its 2012 and I feel that we are now compromising our rights for what our government choose to call the sake of security.                 ...

67 Days!

On Saturday October 29, 2011, I packed my belongings in to my little 2009 Hyundai Accent and moved away  from Dayton, Ohio. There were mixed emotions there. I was excited to begin a new chapter in my life, but I was kind of sad to leave my family and friends behind. I turned 25 on that Monday and Wednesday was my last day at work. It was a little emotional. Many of my co-workers and residents were teary-eyed. They were sad to see me go. It was nice to know that I made that type of impression on others. My brothers and sister also seemed as if they were sad to see me go. Well of course they would. They wouldn't have any one to depend on any more. My mom was sad. She was sad to see me go. We are very close. My mother is my friend, mother, mentor, and support system, and I think she would say the same for me. All except me being her mother part of course. My mother understood the ramifications of me distancing myself from the situation that I felt like I was in. She knew what my int...

Finding the truth...

In a world when truth has become to cease to exists, it is hard differentiate the truth from a lie. There are so many predators out there in the world today. There is not any one that is safe. Believing in your choice of a higher being is what can bring understanding in a world with so much calamity. There are many different religions in the world. I choose to believe in God. My faith in Lord grows stronger every day. I am a devout christian. We all make mistakes in this world. All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. However that is why I am able to ask the Lord to forgive me for my sins. I try not to make the same mistakes again. My truth is knowing that Lord is there to lead me along the way, and to help me make sound decisions. Attempting to live my life the way that God intends me to live.