You Can't hold me back!

         It seems as if every day more an more regulations are being brought forth to cause restraints on our every day living. The United States of America Constitution was written in 1787 and has been in operation since 1789. The Constitution states our basic rights as citizens of this great country, The United States of America. The Constitution has been ratified many times, like adding amendments. The Bill of Rights, which are the first amendments clearly states our rights, to freedom of speech, religion, assembly, and to bear arms to name a few. Many citizens of The United States of went to war, and died for this beautiful country. People come from all across the world to be free, because here and American we are The Home of the Free and the Land of the Brave. However, its 2012 and I feel that we are now compromising our rights for what our government choose to call the sake of security.
         Every day you see more and more things that are restricting you. Is that freedom? Laws and policies such as SOPA( Stop online piracy act) and PIPA ( Protect IP act), attempted to halt our freedom of speech. Because of the many protesters the laws have been halted for the time being. If they would have went into effect, websites like Facebook, Twitter, Craigslist, and Wikipedia would be no more. We as Americans can not stand around just let things happen.

         We also could be a victim of the NDAA (Martial Law), which would allow the government to arrest you and hold you for however long as the choose without even charging you. It has been stated in his history that we should never have to go through this, but here we are. We cannot allow this. The occupy movements all across the United States should be just a start, we need to continue to fight for our rights that our forefathers promised us.



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