Are you strong? Military strong?

Patriotism is the love for one's country. A person who shows patriotism can be willing to die or sacrifice themselves for their country. How does one become patriotic? You are not born with patriotism. You lack knowledge at birth to even process what patriotism is. Does it grow on you or apart of you as you age and have a better understanding of what patriotism mean. One of the most prevalent was to show patriotism is to join the military. Joining the military means that you will live and die for your country, however I do not believe everyone that joins the military has patriotism. I believe that through life experiences you form opinions that from your point -of-view become facts, and you make decisions based on that. 

I realized there are several reasons that people enter the military. 
  1. Got drafted(either wanted to go or forced to go)
  2. Family legacy(parents was/currently are in the military)
  3. Benefits(pay for school, good insurance)
  4. Pressured by others
  5. Final option 

It's quite clear that many may not agree with my reasoning for one wanting to go to the military, however I doubt it will sway me from my beliefs. The rising costs of tuition is undeniably a staple in many young adults mind. Your options can become slim when narrowing it down how to pay for college. Scholarships can be few and hard to come by unless you are well, studious, athletic, or you have some type of defect mental or physical that may warrant someone or an organization to feel sorry for you and give you free money to further your education. Some parents may feel obligated, or just plain motivated to play for their child's tuition, but what thoughtful or considerate child would want that for their parent. That's an extra maybe $2,000 a month to worry about let along other expenses that come along with taking care of college student until they become self-sufficient. Why not spare them the grief by entering into the military where you have the option of having school paid for, and if you previously was in school loans can be paid for. 

I support our troops, however, I do not believe the things the government tell the citizens of the United States of America is totally true when it comes to our military. Though there may be many great benefits to joining the military, there are also about the same amount of reasons why you should not join the military, such as the possibility of death. Well, many could argue that you will die eventually anyway, why not die for your country? It is a strongly debatable question. Millions will say, what have my country done for me, while John F. Kennedy, said, "ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country. This can be misconstrued as a unfair statement when many believe in reciprocity. If I do for you, you do for me, which obvious is not portrayed by our government because of the countless homeless veterans and unemployed veterans.

How important is it to you to put you and your family life's at risk to join into an organization that can ultimately lead to your untimely demise? 


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