The Importance of Life Insurance

                                                                                                                     September 6, 2015                                                           
              Recent events that has occurred to me or in my vicinity has me thanking God that when I switched my car insurance, I signed up for life insurance. Life insurance has never really been something that I thought about, or something that I really thought I needed, at least not right now in my life. I am twenty- eight years old and I am fairly healthy. I also do not put myself into risky situations. Nonetheless, when you think about it though, you do not know when it is your time to go. Certainly, no one knows when their day of death will arrive. People die everyday from accidents, violence or sudden medical incidents. It's best to be prepared rather than unprepared and leaving your family and friends to worry about how they will bury you and cover your left over expenses.
            Today there are several ways that families and friends raise money to cover the cost of family members with no life insurance. Vigils and memorials services are held, and offering plates are passed around. Donations are given and fundraisers are held. Technology has made it easily accessible for those in need to receive funds if they describe in detail what they need it for, people are willing to donate. The usage of Gofundeme, and Paypal allows one to electronically donate.
             The fact that random people or either family and friends would even  give money to support the internment and memorial is a greater prize in of itself. It shows how much a person was loved during his/her time on this earth. It creates a feeling that their time was spent worthwhile at least to the ones that were closely affected by their death. On the other hand, though many people do not mind assisting with the financial needs of someone's passing, whose responsibility does it truly falls on to take care of after-life arrangements? In reality should it not be everyone's own responsibility to take care of their own after-life arrangements?  Insurances such as Gerber Life are available for parents, guardians, or grandparents to purchase for their children. These are beneficial to children because they build cash value and they also allow children to continue on through as an adult. However, if a parent has not purchased life insurance for their children, once you become an adult it is your responsibility to take care of your after-life responsibilities.
              When you die without life insurance, you leave your family left with your financial responsibilities and depending on how deep of debt you are in can determine how much financial stress your family may have to confront. Depending on how you die, rather your family was prepared for it or it was unexpected it can be a stressful situation. Loosing a close family member or friend is not easy and having to deal with the stress of worrying about how to bury a loved one does not make it any easier. Securing life insurance for yourself and your family alleviates much stress, leaving the family and friends more time to grieve.


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