Things I Don't Understand

Things I Don't Understand
                                                                                                                          September 09, 2015

I find that I have know understanding for many of the things that go on in life in my environment and society as a whole. I continue to search for understanding through continued research and education. Life is a never-ending battle of understanding, undoubtedly without understanding one does not equip the right skills to merely skate through life, therefore I ask for wisdom as Solomon once did.

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

1. Why are there not more considerate people in the world?
2. Why is so difficult to refrain from sex until after marriage?
3. How can there be so much hate in the world, when love is so much more healthier?
4. Why do you have to pay for an education, when it is what determines your class in this world?
5. Why isn't healthcare free for all? Why should you have to pay to stay alive?
6. Why does many look down on people that are slower than others or that are disabled?
7. How does some people expect others to do somethings when they would not even do it themselves?
8. Why is suicide looked upon as being such a bad thing, when no one ask anyone if they wanted to be born in the first place?
9. Why is there racism?
10. Why do people have children if they do not want to take care of them to the best of their ability meeting the child needs?
11. Why do people say they care when they actions don't really show?
12. How can people be so oblivious to the things that are going on around them?
13. Why don't people accept responsibilities for their actions, instead of pushing blame off on someone else?
14. Why do people not value morals and values anymore? 
15. Every law is based off of someone's belief? How can we say one belief is better than another belief by making one belief a law through disproportioned votes and disregarding another belief's?

To be continued...


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