Everything Happens for a Reason: More like it is what it is

Everything happens for a reason!! That is the most used statement that I truly abhor. I have yet to fathom that statement. Mainly because I am one of logic and if don't make sense, I falter to understand it. I attempt to look for the reason that something happens through simply mentally creating scenarios of causation and reaction, yet, I am left with more questions than I began with. Sometimes people say the reason is for other people to learn from you mistake. You are being used as a vessel, though sometimes that statement is still hard to comprehend. 

Today I am not sure if owning a car is right for me, or even in my cards. Although, I know that car troubles or accidents are inevitable; I am at the point where I feel as if it is expected. Through growth, I have felt like I have made better decisions when it came to purchasing a car and even maintaining my cars, however, I am feeling defeated when it comes to cars. 

My mom purchased my first car for me when I was in high school. It lasted through my senior year before I gave out on me. I did not get my license until I was 22. I had only had my permit for awhile. After graduating from high school, I moved out of state to attend college and I did not want to get an out of state license. I wanted an Ohio license. 

After standing at the bus stop waiting on the RTA to pick me to take me to work and it riding pass me; I walked to worked. It was a cold November day. I did not have a hat or gloves and my hands and ears were freezing. I knew my mom had already went to work and my siblings did not own a vehicle. I was not sure of who to call, so I began to walk. At the time, I live in Centerville, Ohio off of Route 48 with my mom. I worked at Burger King in Miamisburg, Ohio. In a car, it was about ten to fifteen minutes to get there. I just kept walking. I began walking at 8:00. I had to be at work at 10:00. It typically took two buses to get there. I had to get a transfer. At about 9:45 ish, I called my manager and told her I was going to be late and that I was walking and I was on my way. She said okay, I continued to walk. I go to work at 12:00. It took me 4 hours to get to work. When I got to work, I went to the bathroom and hit the dryer a few times to warm up my nearly frost-bitten hands and began to work. 

After walking for four hours, I was convinced I needed a car. On December 22, 2008, I purchased my first car on my own. I definitely was proud of myself. It was a white 2002 Dodge Intrepid. I named him David. He got me everywhere until he broke down on me after two and a half years. My next car, I didn't have long. I got in a car accident and totaled out the car. I then purchased a Hyundai Accent. I was quite proud of this car also. I worked hard to get my credit at a decent place and it was only $250.00 a month. It drove well for a few years. I even packed it up and moved out of the city and when 600 miles away in it. 

In 2015, I was involved in two car accidents, which in-turn effected the course of my life. I was rear-ended my a Waste Management truck on August 5, 2015 and on August 21, 2015 I was rear-ended again. This time I was rear-ended, it caused me to go into the person in front of me. I was taken to the hospital through the ambulance for neck and back pain which still affects me today. My car was totaled out. I had just began school for my Master's degree and I lived outside of the bus line, which made it difficult to get around. My apartment was not on or near the bus line, or the school that I went to was not on or near the bus line. I had needed to depend on other's to get around. In December, I purchased a car from the Goodwill auction. This car was not a good purchase. It was only $300.00. The gas light did not work, so I did not know when I was out of gas. It leaked antifreeze, so I had to keep putting antifreeze or water in the tank. It did not have a stick so, I learned to hold up the hood with my hand and pour the antifreeze with the other hand. I finally found a stick to help hold it up. After the car stopped on me on for the thousand time, I left it on Main street. It got towed and I never look back. In February, I purchased another car. The person that sold it to me was confident that it was a reliable vehicle, yet it also broke down on me, and I was left asking for rides to school and work again. The next car I purchased was from Afford - A - Car. I had a few problems, yet it lasted me a two years and I sold it to my uncle for $200.00 because I was told that it was junk, however he "fixed" it and sold it for $1500. I went to JD Byrider and purchased my latest car. I have problem after problem with this car. I have not have it for a year and it has been in the shop four times. It is currently in the shop after breaking down on me on the highway. I was told that there are seven cars ahead of me and they are not sure when they will be able to look at my car. So, now, I am basically car less with a basically $500.00 car payment. I will be paying for a car that I cannot utilize. So, I am defeated. I am not sure what to do as far as transportation or getting around. I have to be dependable on others. YAY!

Broke down on the side of the road

By: Kristyna Cochran 

Please, Go!
Don't stop!
No lights on, no warnings,
But it's not doing what it is suppose to do,
Which is alarming,
Perspiring through each pore
Heart palpitations, hands sweaty,
Let off the gas, then ease on it once more,
It's not going,
I don't know what to do,
Yes I do, I have to get over on the side,
Like I have numerous of times,
Deep breath, you got this,
Our Father, who art in Heaven,
Hallowed be thy name,
Okay, I have to call road side,
Ring... Ring.... Ring,
No answer, high call volume,
Must be a lot of people stuck too,
Tear ducts instantly fill,
Sigh.... this is definitely not God's will.


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